Long term care of your new veneer, crown or bridge
Long term care of
your new veneer,
crown or bridge
Shade determination
Many people use their teeth to break off a tag on clothing, rip open packages, bite fingernails, staples or crack seeds and nuts. Teeth are not pliers or hooks. Using your teeth as a tool is a threat to your dental work just as it is to your natural teeth. Also beware of sharp impacts and hard objects such as a drinking glass, a spoon, and chewing ice or hard candy.
Manage stress.
Stress can trigger jaw clenching or teeth grinding. This places a severe amount of pressure on your teeth which can fracture your dental work. If you tend to grind at night, ask your dentist for a night guard. If you engage in contact sports, wear an appropriate athletic guard. Sports mouth guards are available at sports retailers, but you can also have a custom-made Solaris mouth guard in your team colors.
A habit of cleanliness.
You can still develop tooth decay even when you have veneers or crowns. The margin where the restoration meets your natural teeth is a particularly susceptible area. Protect your investment by flossing everyday, brushing conscientiously, and having regular cleanings and check-ups.
Special treatment for porcelain restorations
Choose a toothpaste that removes stains by dissolving action rather than by physical abrasion, which will scratch the shiny glaze on your restoration. Fixed bridges require additional cleaning under the pontic (missing tooth). A bridge threader is used to thread floss beneath it to remove plaque. These are available at most pharmacies.
Always tell your dentist or dental hygienist that you have veneers, crowns, or bridges.
Most times, a Solaris cosmetic restoration matches existing teeth so perfectly, it takes a second closer look to find which one is which! So please speak up before your hygienist starts scrapping away. We would advise against the use of a cavitron. It can scratch and debond your restoration. Cleaning margins require a gentle touch and polishing paste specialized for porcelain, not regular tooth structure.